The very essence of leadership is you have to have a vision, it’s got to be a vision you articulate clearly on a daily basis. On Friday, the 22nd of February, Overport SRS Primary held our senior phase prefect induction in the Assembly Area. The appointment of our prefects is an honourable event where learners are chosen with criteria of possessing leadership skills, academic consistency whilst being responsible as an individual. Our prefects are identified by a specific attire, an orange sash and a pinned badge upon their sash. These learners had taken an oath to carry out their duties with professionalism, honesty and follow the correct system as they are seen as role models to every learner in the school. Prefects are learner leaders within a school environment. Our deputy head girls for 2019 are Yusra Osman and Neha Badami and our deputy head boys are Sibiya Sanele and Zeyn Khan. Last but not least our head girl is the confident, elegant Anozie Zama and our head boy is the bold and radiant Abdul Razaq Ebrahim! Congratulations to all our wonderful prefects who are ready to embark on their duties for the year!